DaveKen;496238 Wrote: 
> I can't believe that is a serious question. Any producer of any
> product needs to advise it's customer base when the product is going to
> be available.

they do?  how far in advance?  a week? a month? a year?

Some companies (including Slim until recently) do not announce products
until they are ready to ship.  Apple routinely does this (though they
have leaks and rumors, for sure).

> To use your movie analogy, imagine a West End preview being constantly
> put back because the movie isn't yet fit for release, and the press and
> public being repeatedly told that it will be ready when it's ready.
> I can see why you chose your username  -  you seem to make a point of
> misunderstanding the legitimate complaint and getting upset with people
> who hold make such complaint  -  snarlydwarf indeed

Considering I am actually credited in a couple of movies, yes, movies
are routinely delayed.  They have months and sometimes -years- of
delays.  We have one here that has been in post production for months. 
Despite all the planning and location scheduling and shots... the detail
work is very difficult to schedule.  Can you say, "ok, this scene needs
better audio, it will be perfect in an hour... or two... or three..." 
Setting such numbers is not possible with any sort of reliability.

This is why trailers often do not have anything more than "Coming
Summer 2010"... because as much as they may want to release it for
Memorial Day weekend, they realize that may not be doable for production
reasons as well as for marketing reasons.  (Movies are often delayed
because "we want a good weekend and don't want to compete with certain
other movies for opening weekend..")

There has not been a specific release date of the Touch ever announced.
There was an expected delivery date in December 2009... but, then, lots
of movies (since you like the movie example) have expected release dates
that are not met.  Then they have the Official Release Date that they
-are- expected to live up to.

If Logitech had announced "this will ship on December 3rd!" you would
have a point... but they didn't.

See http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1054606/ if you believe movies are
released on time.

Shit Happens.  Heath Ledger dies.  Things get delayed.  Such is life.

Gotta love the obligatory ad hominem.

"And your name is stupid, too!"

Wooo that hurts so much, you have such a sharp wit, I am wounded to the

snarlydwarf's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=1179
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