DaveKen;496034 Wrote: 
> First aubuti,
> I had no idea of the identity or position of kesey  -  as far as I knew
> he was just another fragment of the information/misinformation supply
> chain,
> Second, if Logitech really have re-organised the unit working on SBs,
> (I wouldn't know and don't really care 'cos it doesn't change anything
> from a disappointed potential customers viewpoint), it is confirmation
> that they recognise and accept that things weren't going well. Again,
> from a disappointed potential customers viewpoint, the reorganisation
> doesn't appear to have changed anything for the better, as far as I can
> see. What does that fact itself tell you about Logitech upper
> management?
> Third, nothing of what you say alters the basic underlying problem: -
> why won't someone from Logitech come forward and make some sort of
> helpful statement  -  surely bad news is much better than no news at
> all. The company, as represented by the shower in charge of this
> shambles, is showing noithing but absolute content for the most
> important part of their organisation, namely their customer base.
> I can readily accept and understand that things don't always go to plan
> -  shit happens  -  but what I can't understand or accept is that
> everyone is being left clutching at unofficial or semi official snippets
> of so called information, the only benefit of which is that it allows
> Logitech to keep claiming (see many other threads and posts here) that
> they Logitech, have not let anybody down because they have never
> officially announced a firm release date  -  they may be happy with that
> defence but I (and I suspect many other people) certainly am not.
> The whole situation is an utter shambles and continues to be made worse
> by Logitech apologists trying to pretend otherwise, IMHO.
> and with that,
> Goodnight :-)
First, kesey doesn't matter. He was quoting andyg, a Logitech employee.
andyg's sig even says "Slim Devices Developer" or something like that. 

Second, I have no idea whether the shake up will make things better or
worse. It certainly made things worse in the short-term to the extent
that people in the trenches spent too much of their time getting
re-organized instead of testing, coding, and re-testing. But even if the
re-org was a stroke of management genius, it wasn't going to finish the
software in one month's time.

Third, someone did. See first point above. I agree that there should be
something more official, especially emails to those who pre-ordered (see
my earlier posts in this thread). But now you have a revised estimate
about a release date, from a Logitech employee who knows what is going
on. If that's not enough for you, contact the place where you ordered
the Touch.

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