Hasn't all been said on this subject that can be said?

A summary. Logitech have been caught short by two things:

1) It has taken them a lot longer than they thought it would to get the
product as stable as they want it. 

2) The product was made public by a third party before it was ready.

The Touch includes TinySC. This is revolutionary in the Squeezedevice
world and I'm sure it is very tricky to get a version of the very
powerful SBS to run on hardware as limited as the Touch. As I understand
it a fair bit of SBS (i.e. scanner) has had to be rewritten.

The Touch release has been a cock-up, not doubt about it, but surely
you can understand Logitech's reluctance to publicise an exact release
date? Once bitten twice shy (I'm thinking of the Duet here which was
rushed out without sufficient development and caused many purchasers a
lot of pain). Shouting at them to give an exact date is not going to
make any difference.

Either cancel your order or shutup. Those that don't cancel.... the
wait will be worthwhile. I have a beta Touch and it works pretty well as
part of my system at the moment and it's getting better with every
firmware release.

Having said that it would be encouraging if the Logitech management
issued an announcement about it in the forums (and perhaps a general
press release). Although it might be difficult to feel positive about
Logitech management you have to feel sorry for the developers (esp. Andy
and Michael) who are almost the sole Logitech presence in the forums,
and do their very best within the remit Logitech allows them, but then
have to read all this flack in return.

The most likely result of the whining is that the developers will feel
less comfortable here and partake less often.



Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known

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