So HDtracks claims: “In regards to the high resolution 
albums that we offer, all of our 96/24 albums are from the original 
studio masters. For some of the 88.2/24 albums, they are also from the

original analogue tape masters.”

What’s glaring by its omission is that Puget Sound says it is doing
DVD-A transfers for HDtracks (in addition to SACD).  Query:  why does
HDtracks omit mentioniong DVD-A?

“Many DVD-Audio releases are older, standard definition audio
recordings that have been remixed in 5.1 and upsampled to DVD-Audio's
higher resolution. However, the fidelity of the upsampled audio will be
limited by the source material quality and may not exceed the quality of
existing CD releases of the same albums.”

“In a peer-reviewed blind listening test published in the Journal of
the Audio Engineering Society, the authors were unable to find any proof
that stereo DVD-Audio as a format sounds different from CD. The author
suggests that differences in the mastering for particular DVD-Audio and
CD may explain perceived differences.”

The representative from the Chicago Symphony Orchestra characterizes
Hdtracks as a retailer, not a record label.  As such, that is why the
Orchestra does not make available its masters to Hdtracks.  Considering
the discovery of this information as to the Orchestra, it is probably
prudent to inquire directly to every record label that is in the
Hdtracks inventory and ask them how Hdtracks prepares its downloads for
their recordings too.  Do these other labels make their masters
available or only the DVD-A’s and SACD’s?

And then a further inquiry is needed.  If a DVD-A was supplied instead
of the master, what is the bit depth and sample depth of those discs? 

DVD-A’s can be made at:
16-, 20- or 24-bit depth and sample rates of:
44.1 kHz        48 kHz  88.2 kHz        96 kHz  176.4 kHz       192 kHz

Thus don’t assume that just because it is a DVD-A that it was
manufactured at any particular resolution.

And this is the most important point: the fidelity of the upsampled
audio will be limited by the source material quality.  In other words,
if the source material is, for example, 16/44.1 and is upsampled to
24/96, it still has the fidelity of 16/44.1.  It is a fancy copy, but
that is all it is, a copy of the original.  

And as to the claim that master tapes were used as the source of some
downloads, again one must check with the respective record label to
verify this, and even if it was supplied, please re-read earlier posts
in this thread regarding the fidelity of tapes.

As far as the “setup” for the SACD conversions, the equipment mentioned
is at Puget Sound studios and the studio owner has stated he does
upsampling during the conversions.

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