temerini;512039 Wrote: 
> Why the Touch is not 24/192 capable?

This was the initial question: various people have actually tried to
provide an answer, except logitech ?

This is a reasonable priced device, to cater to such a fringe request
would make it more expensive to 99.9999% of it's intended customers
without them getting anything back for it. Cost benefit is very low .
We have no real clue if the hardware would be good enough for 192k.
So we might as well look at a more expensive device if it was designed
for it.

We could turn the question the other way ? We should be very lucky that
logitech *have* included 24/96 24/88.2 cabability at all in the Touch,
and to such a low price. And be happy with what we got here :)
And other reports here suggest that the designers actually have put
some effort in to the sound-quality ?
The majority would use it as an web-radio SQ is in most cases of no
Logitech must believe that web radio and downloads is going to sound
better in the future, this is very optimistic pow, I'm happy they think
this way and makes sound-quality an design parameter at all.

They have made a device that would cater for most peoples need of
playing their mp3 files and streaming services at the same time as we
audiophiles can stream 24/96 to our DAC's and processors, or maybe enjoy
the Touch's own DAC.
This is an amazing wide scope to cram into the same device.

Maybe we should not rock the boat ? an executive would probably not
blink to make the decision to reduce it to 24/48 to make room for
twitter or something equally daft ;) ssh .


Main hifi: SB3 (soon to replaced by a Touch :) It is on preorder)
Bedroom/Office: Boom
Kitchen: Receiver (soon to be replaced by my SB3 and the SBR to be
stuffed in a box in the attic )
Miscellaneous use: Radio (battery pack to be ordered)
I use a Controller various ir-remotes and a Eee-PC with squeezeplay to
control this
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