souwalker wrote:
> New to this forum.


> I have a QNAP-TS210 NAS. My house is hard-wired (CAT 5). I intend to
> stream FLAC from my NAS (Study) to my HiFi. I would connect via digital
> but via L/R analogue to my pre-amp instead.
> I read alot of mention about 'external server'. What does that mean? A
> NAS?

The Touch is the first Slim Device that is not really slim. For all
other products, you had to talk to some server, somewhere. Logitech
offers "" that can stream some music and radio stations.

But to play your own collection of tunes, you had to have them on some
"external server" since the other devices were "too slim" to store music.

The Touch, in contrast, has a tiny server built in, and can play from a
USB stick or USB disk, all by itself.

This is handly for some folks, but it doesn't appeal to me. I have an
old, ancient really, PC stuck in my basement with a bunch of disks on
it, running Linux (but it can be anything) and running the
SqueezeBoxServer software.

> My old CD player is playing up and rather then getting a new CD player,
> I am thinkign of ripping all my collection to FLAC and stream via
> Squeezebox Touch to my HiFi.
> Can this be done and how will the analgue sound be?

That is exactly what I did six or seven years ago. I ripped my
collection of 600+ CDs to flac, and play them on my SqueezeBox. works
great. I have one connected to my expensive stereo, and it sounds
fabulous. I have others connected to powered speakers and they sound
great. I have a Radio and a Boom, and they contain speakers and amps

You can, if you want, download the SqueezeBoxServer software and get it
setup and working before your box arrives.

Some folks even run the SqueezeBoxServer on their NAS boxes. If your NAS
has a decent CPU and some memory, it can work fine. But a lot of
commercial NAS boxes have very slow CPUs and very little memory. If
that's your case, you might want to find a free leftover PC to use as a
server. Some folks are even using a Shiva Plug as a server, they are not
much bigger than a wall wart for most computer stuff.

Pat Farrell

Touch mailing list

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