Peter314;537746 Wrote: 
> As posted earlier, I encountered stuttering when playing a 24/96 file
> when the Touch was wired to an external server. Re-flaccing to -0 cured
> this. 
> There was a thumb drive with jpeg files plugged into the USB port;
> don't know if that has any bearing on the matter...
> Peter

HUGE bearing. Any drive (flash, HDD, whatever) plugged into the USB OR
any SD card plugged in the builtin server starts up and IT takes a
large amount of memory. That could very easily cause problems even with
a wired connection. 

With something plugged into the USB the builtin server is running even
if you are connected to an external server. You CAN go to
settings>advanced>Squeezebox server and stop the server manually.
Unless you do that it will stay running as long as the drive is plugged

Could you try the wired connection without anything plugged into the
USB or SD connectors?

John S.

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