souwalker wrote:
>> The Touch has a tiny server built in but I read that  alot of users are
>> having issues scanning a usb hard drive attached.

I've not tried using a big USB hard drive.

But at this point, since the Touch has only been in use for a week or
so, I'm not really surprised that some folks are having problems.
I would not call it "a lot" because right now, there are not really a
lot of people who have a Touch in their hands.

As I wrote earlier, the CPU in the touch and the amount of memory is
limited. So it would not be a shock if it had issues with big drives
with tons of files.

>> I only intend to use the Touch to play tunes from my NAS via ethernet.
>> This method then would not use the in-built server in the Touch,
>> correct?

Correct. There is no reason to even start the built-in server.

I see the built-in server as being perfect for when a buddy brings over
a USB stick, or iPod, with music and you just want to listen. It would
never occur to me to try to use it on a 500GB disk drive. That's what
real computers are for.

And the "real computer" doesn't have to be much. For years, I used a
500mHz Pentium-3 with maybe 512MB of ram. These days, you can get a fine
computer for under $50 on craigslist, or from businesses that are
literally throwing them away.

Pat Farrell

Touch mailing list

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