Daverz wrote:
> pfarrell;540023 Wrote: 
>> And a more modern solution to this problem is to use an audio editor
>> on the data file, and adjust it once.

> Balance is very subjective and easiest done with a remote from the
> listening position.  Not everyone is set up to do this conveniently
> with a DAW.

This is the touch forum. Its hard to see how you need to adjust the
balance much if you are close enough to use the touch screen.

A decade about, I would agree that not everyone could use a DAW. Even
inexpensive ones cost $100 and good ones were close to a grand.

But these days, thee are lots of free and low cost tools, most without
the complexity of a DAW of old.

But I point this approach out as a solution fof 80% of the folks who
might actually have this problem, and who don't want to wait three to
five years for Logitech to implement one.

Add an RFE is free, and as always, patches welcome.

Pat Farrell

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