iPhone;547725 Wrote: 
> My newest Toshiba is the new 1TB Canvio Plus USB 2.0 Portable Hard
> Drive. The Canvio series carries on where the Passport series left off.
> My 320, 500, and 640 GB are the ' Passport  '
> (http://www.microcenter.com/single_product_results.phtml?product_id=0316591)
> series with the half black half color top. My 1TB is the new ' Canvio '
> (http://www.microcenter.com/single_product_results.phtml?product_id=0330202).
> The model number on the 640GB is HDDR640E04XR.
> Hope that helps.

I'm using the same Toshiba 640GB drive, but TinySC doesn't work at all
with it on my system. As I've described elsewhere, ALAC files get cut
off or go into loops. FLAC files stop and rebuffer. This is both with
7.5 and the 7.6 beta. I wonder why the drive works okay on your system
but not mine.

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