There are a number of options, there is a VortexBox micro applience
which is based on the fitPC2 which has a builtin 500G drive, its about
6 watts for the whole thing and about the size of your hand, no fans
and the only sound is the drive itself. But its pretty expensive.

You can buy a fitPC2 and put VortexBox software on it yourself. 

Another option is the Sheevaplug, (or the new Guruplug) $99 which has a
ethernet and USB jack. You load linux and SBS on an SD card and run the
plug off that. You do need an external USB drive for the music

Of the two the fitPC2 is a more powerfull computer but costs several
times more than the plug. Either of these will be a much better
experience than using the Touch builtin server. 

John S.

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