crazyj;550471 Wrote: 
> 3) Library management & tagging is ultra important, and there should be
> a definitive - if you want it to search and act like this, tag your
> files as follows.  Most of my subsequent issues with my library were
> due to the recycle bin on the drive, and inconsistent tagging of files.
> Now that I have figured out the way I need to tag, no issues.  And I
> erase my entire HDD and copy my "adjusted" library from my PC.

This can't be overstated. Many people have libraries that are quite
random. They may have worked in itunes, because things were ripped
there and placed in various places that ITUNES knew about, but no one
else!  I just spent a weekend at a friends house "fixing" his music
setup. He had "backed up" his old harddrive to a new hardrive and
somehow a large part of his music ended up as hidden files buried deep,
deep, deep in an odd directory structure under a "backup" directory. I
eventually found it and fixed things. He also had downloaded or ripped
songs with itunes that ended up in all sorts of weird locations. Once
things were moved, nothing could be found. Of course I consolidated
everything and pointed to the right directories, so for now he's good.
But without 1. good tags and 2. good organization, you're likely to
have problems.

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