Tony T;551378 Wrote: 
> Or at the very least move to python scripts.
> (Is all of SBS and TinySC really in Perl?)

The server (squeezeboxServer) is written in perl, the player part
(SqueezePlay) uses lua as its user interface language. 

In both cases major parts are written in C linked into the particular

In the player the audio samples exist entirely in C code with the lua
code handling the UI parts (what is in a menu, what a button looks
like, what to do when a button is pushed). The actual drawing on the
frame buffer is also done by C code.

The server is written in perl to be transportable to many different
plattforms. It uses many perl modules that have complex C
implementations but they use "standard" ones that have already been
ported to many different platforms. 

I have not spent too much time in the guts of the server so I can't
give precise details, primarily because I hate perl. I too would prefer

Lua was chosen for the player I presume because the basic
implementation of the server is quite small and it interfaces well to
underlying C code. There is a large amount of custom C code in the
player. With the player they were aiming at specific hardware
implementations so did not need to maintain portability to a large
number of platforms so large amounts of custom C code was not as big a
deal as it would be for the server. 

John S.

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