ralphpnj;580752 Wrote: 
> Cruel. I'm deeply hurt.
> I only regret that in the case of the Touch these guidelines seem to be
> working against exposing more of Stereophile's readers to one of the
> best, if not the best, bargains in all of high end audio. I say high
> end audio since coupling the Touch with a high quality external DAC
> will yield true high end sound and at least in my mind that makes the
> Touch a solid Class A digital transport.

So true. Those who actually read the magazine (I'm one who does) will
get the message from Kal's review, but those who merely glance through
the RC section - which I imagine is a much greater number - won't learn
of this high end bargain, and will in all likelihood dismiss it as not
worth investigating. What a shame.

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