The comparisons with the Oppo BDP-83 suggested a little experiment.
First, I listened to two recordings, one a physical 24/96 DVD-Audio
issued by HDTapeTransfers and one a 24/192 download burned to
DVD-Audio, using the Oppo as a transport with its digital output
connected to the DAC in my Cambridge Azur CD player. 

Then I listened to the straight downloads of the same recordings, this
time using the SBTouch as a transport feeding the Cambridge Azur DAC
through its digital output. 

I also altered the order of these comparisons.

To my ears, the sound quality was noticeably better with the Touch,
more lifelike, with more "air," more "musical."

If the Oppo is in Stereophile Class B (albeit presumably on the basis
of analog outputs that were deemed to be mediocre enough to justify an
"improved" SE version), where might this little experiment suggest the
Touch should be classified?

Guido F.


*Front End*: Marantz TT 15S1 Turntable, Virtuoso Wood Cartridge;
Cambridge Azur 840C CD Player; Oppo BDP--83 Universal Player; 
Squeezebox Touch Music File Player (digital out to Cambridge Azur 840C
*Preamps*: Conrad Johnson Motif (Phono); Adcom GFP-750 (Line)
*Amps*: Music Reference RM-200 Mk II (Main); Little Tube Mk III
*Subwoofer Equalizer*: DSpeaker Antimode 8033
*Speakers*: Martin Logan SL3s; REL T1 Subwoofer
*Headphones*: AKG K701
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