bluegaspode;604039 Wrote: 
> Where was Klaus attacked in this thread?
> I'm still baffled that Klaus left here, but maybe someone can share
> some insights with quoting from this thread where there was anything
> against Klaus personally.
> I reread the full first half of this thread again now (and please
> everyone do so as well).
> There was some discussion between me and magiccarpetride - and then out
> of the blue Klaus snapped against Phil (who indeed didn't argue at all -
> and still does not - against the mods).

I have tried to steer clear of this thread lately, but like one of
those ugly car wrecks on the highway you can't help from looking
sometimes. I also don't see anywhere in this thread that soundcheck was
attacked, but I see posts where Phil was attacked, and specifically by
soundcheck. Someone, show me where soundcheck was attacked in this

In his 'original post in this thread'
soundcheck stated -"If you have any comments/questions let me know."-
After various discussion of individual experiences with the mods Phil 
made the observation that "-'Interestingly, most people so far seem to
have stated that they can't hear any differences/preferences on a quick
a/b... seemingly the effect of the mods only becomes apparent after
extended listening, with no comparative baseline...'
Immediately soundcheck claimed that Phil was 'trying to hijack the
thread, being destructive, and spreading false statements'
( If
the only comments soundcheck was receptive to were praise for the mods,
he should have said so at the beginning. 

For that matter, show me where this thread was "hijacked," other than
the brief appearance of the religious war of "a/b is scientific" vs
"a/b is bogus", which people dropped reasonably quickly.

Actually, in my opinion Phil's summary had an important omission. It
seems to me that most of the people posting [insert standard disclaimer
about self-selection bias] reported dramatic differences. Then flextreme
posted a candid summary of what appears to be the most serious attempt
at a/b reported yet, and could not detect a difference by normal
statistical standards. And at least one person (my fellow Marylander,
guidof, but maybe others, too), remarked that the differences come
through after extended listening. 

What to make of all that, I don't honestly know. I'm continuing to try
the mods, equipped with my own ageing ears, mid-fi system,
acoustically-challenged room, and open mind. I'll be interested to see
Phil's results, though however they come out I don't believe it will
change my perception of the sound quality any more than MCR's opinion
that the differences are "absolutely staggering".

Meanwhile, I'm still interested in an answer to 'my earlier question'
about how turning of replaygain adjustment on an external server
streaming PCM affects the processor load or "noise" within the Touch.
It's not an "attack" -- it's something I would like to understand.

Happy listening!

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