QUOTE=bluegaspode;604515]In the end you just changed a single line in
the sourcecode, did you (the one suggested by peterw) ? Nothing
deleted, nothing added, just one simple line changed.
Instead of passing a variable (i.e. the internal volume value) that is
computed in the lines before (with and without your mod) you are
passing the hardcoded value of the maximum value.

It is not my intention to disrupt the conciliatory tone that has broken
out in this thread, but perhaps an observation can be tolerated.

It seems to me that this, right here, is the type of thing that causes
such divisions in the audiophile world - a mod which in this case cannot
possibly have any audible effect, yet is supported by claims of audible
differences.  Without knowing for sure that it does absolutely nothing,
anyone who couldn't hear a difference would be forgiven for worrying that
their hearing wasn't good enough, or their system wasn't revealing

It's no surprise that other, less easily falsifiable claims aren't always
trusted.  This, in a nutshell, is why independent scientific testing is so
valued by a good proportion of this forum.

So to get back on topic and avoid the charge of hijacking, Phil - how is
your analysis of the mods coming on?

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