garym;611803 Wrote: 
> I'm not sure what you're not understanding about compilation, so please
> expand your question. In my case, all my CDs that are compilations
> (each track is NOT the same artist) have a COMPILATION tag and the
> field value is "1" (without the quotes).  You can add this with mp3tag.
> Then in SbS, I tell it in settings under my music tab to "group
> compilations together" and also on that page I tell it to call these
> "groupings" Compilations instead of the default of various artists. 
> This way, in my ARTIST listings I don't see the hundreds of artists
> that only appear in compilations. Instead I have a list of
> "compilations" under artists and if I click on this, I see a listing of
> all the compilation albums (soundtracks, etc.).
> But search this forum on the keyword "compilation" and you'll see lots
> of very detailed discussion. For example, "Mr. Sinatra" has lots of
> useful posts. I get what you are saying. I am putting comps under various 
> artists.
This works if the individual artist is listed in the song title and the
artist is listed as "Various Artist". If it isn't I edit it that way. A
lot of work, but I have had only 2 or 3 comps out 50 or more. I will
try the recommendation of adding the album artist as "Various Artist".

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