aubuti;611949 Wrote: 
> Each file (track) contains a space for metadata, which includes multiple
> tags. ALBUM is a tag. ARTIST is a tag. TITLE is a tag. YEAR is a tag.
> DISCNUMBER is a tag (useful for multi-disc sets). And so on. Different
> types of files (eg, FLAC, MP3) have different standards for tagging. Or
> you could think of them the way garym described them, as being different
> fields within a singular tag -- there's a semantic difference but
> functionally it's the same thing.
> When you rip a CD with your VBA it writes the tags in the FLAC files
> (or MP3 files if that's what you're using). I don't know what the third
> file is that VBA's ripper creates, but maybe it's a playlist of the
> album -- if it has a .m3u extension then that's what it is.
> You may find these links useful. They don't give the basic explanation
> you are looking for, so maybe they'll make more sense later. 
Thanks it is a .m3u

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