For the OP, here is a little background on the issue and some possible
ways to deal with it.

The server (SBS) was architechted to be controlled through a web page
(called the web UI) hosted by the server. This was the method for
making server settings such as what directory to use for the libray, a
button to push to do a scan etc.

In order for the server to run in the Touch memory several things had
to be turned off, one of them being the web server, there simply isn't
enough memory on the Touch to support it. The leaves things in a
strange state, there is now no way to control the server! 

The developers then had to come up with a way to enable the server to
be usable without the user being able to control it in any way. Since
there is no way to specify where to scan on the disk the only option
was to scan the whole thing. Since there was no way to have a button
that says "scan now" the only option was to scan every time it started
up. There were a large number of choices that had to be made so the
server was usable at all given that the user could not change the

Thats the upper level view of the situation, the lower level view is
that there ARE files in the Touch file system that control the behavior
of the server. You have to SSH into the touch and use linux commands to
edit these files. And even then it probably won't work. The server
reads the files at startup and puts the parameters in its memory. Then
at various different points in its operation it writes those values
back to the files. Thus if you manually go in and change the file, the
server will most likely overwrite it with the original value. In order
to get it to stick you have to kill the server, make the change, then
restart the server before it will see the change. This is not something
they want normal users doing.

After saying all that, the code that governs these two behaviors (what
directory to use for the music library and to scan every time) is
included as regular text files on the Touch. Its in perl code which can
be edited with a regular text editor, it doesn't take any special code
development environment to modify. Everything that is unique to the
Touch is in a file that has OS specific code. I don't remeber the name
of the file but it is in there somewhere. The specific OS is SqueezeOS
(the linux used in the Touch). 

So someone other than an official Logitech employee could make these
changes. Its in perl and I can't stand perl so I'll leave that to
others that are more adept at server coding. 

Even if those changes are made, you will still need to go through the
process of editing a file in the right way to tell it what directory to
use and when to do a scan. 

As others have mentioned, I really think the best way around some of
these not easily solved issues with the internal server is to go with
an external server. For example a FitPC2 is the size of the palm of
your hand, has no fans, is dead quiet and uses 5 watts. Put vortexbox
software on it and you have a full blown server that can do everything
without restrictions. Its just barely big enough for a 2.5" drive so
its probably going to be the same size or even smaller than your
external USB drives. 

John S.

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