berkey;629096 Wrote: 
> BTW, I posted the situation as a bug (17194) on Sunday but it seems to
> be going nowhere.
fyi, outages are usually not considered bugs as such. So that
bug report will not go anywhere in the bugzilla system. If there is
something wrong with the SBS running on servers then _that_
may be considered a bug. You would be better off reporting outages to
customer support.

Re waking up your computer, (a) which server was your Touch connected
to when you shut down the computer (SBS or mysb), and (b) how are you
trying to connect to mysb? You can certainly avoid waking up the
computer if you switch the Touch to before powering down the
computer. And you can automate or semi-automate that using the
ServerPowerControl plugin. If you don't do that step, there may still
be a way to connect to without sending a WOL packet to your
computer, but if there is it may depend on what menu path you use.

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