lake_eleven;660710 Wrote: 
> Still after these mods, sound from analog out is noisy and fatiguing.
> After doing the following:
> 1. Coupling Cap mods (not done the best way though!)
> 2. Unmodded Jerome Labs PS to touch (will soon go to Bolder for mods)
> 3. Introduced a hub (cisco switch) before Touch
> 4. Changed PS to both the switch and router
> 5. All SoundCheck 2.0 SW mods
> Analog Out - Has more separation of instruments. More bass extension.
> Still harsh and fatiguing.
> Digital Out - No DAC, direct to Anthem preamp. Less separation than
> analog out. But less noisy, sounds more refined, but a bit congested.
> More importantly, less fatiguing.

Your experience seems quite different from mine. I did *not* do any
hardware mods. I did *not* use a different PS. But I *did* Soundcheck
2.0 mods, except for disabling the WLAN. However, while digital out to
an external DAC sounds to me more detailed and refined than analog out
(see signature below for my systems), I would not describe the Touch's
own DAC as sounding either harsh or fatiguing, quite the contrary. My
impression is that the internal DAC is quite good, though not as good
as a good external DAC, *provided* that it feeds complementary
equipment. For example, with my "Second Bedroom" system I detect some
harshness that is not apparent in my "Bedroom" system.

If my impression is correct, it suggests that you may better enhance
your musical enjoyment by focusing on the equipment chain after the
Touch, whether you choose to listen via the analog or the digital

I admire your valor in fooling around with the Touch's innards!

Best luck!

Guido F.


Marantz TT 15S1 Turntable, Virtuoso Wood Cartridge -> Conrad Johnson
Motif preamp
Oppo BDP--83 Universal Player; Squeezebox Touch (digital out) ->
Cambridge Azur 840C DAC -> Adcom GFP-750 preamp -> Music Reference
RM-200 Mk II amp -> Martin Logan SL3 speakers
DSpeaker Antimode 8033 equalizer -> REL T1 Subwoofer
Squeezebox Touch (analog out) -> Little Dot Mk III amp -> AKG K701
Squeezebox Touch -> Grado SR125 headphones
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