I just came across this topic and figured that I would chime in.

Tonight, I just hooked up a linear power supply to the Squeezebox Touch
for the first time.  The sound seems much fuller and more detailed.  I
used the Touch's SPDIF output plugged in to my receiver.  Subjectively,
switching power sources back and forth several times has convinced me
that the improvement is real.  

I made my own power supply from a kit (sigma 11 by AMB).  I was a bit
skeptical about the possibility of improving a digital signal, so I
built my own power supply because I would have felt stupid giving money
to someone selling a solution that did not work.  Having heard that the
improvement is real, I would be more willing to support a complete
solution made by someone else.  The costs are about the same.  The
power supply in not in the case yet, so it is sitting out in the open
waiting to shock someone.  Right now, I am trying to determine the heat
output for ventilation reasons. 

This post has prompted me to do a little experimentation.   The voltage
output at the power supply is absolutely stable (within about .1
millivolt according to the meter).  Since I made my own 9 ft cable
(just 2 wires) for the Touch, I was able to remove the shell and
measure the voltage fluctuation right at the Touch.  The voltage was
fluctuating at that point.  The voltage fluctuation is only about 5
millivolts with my 9 ft cord.  It is hard to say if this fluctuation is
relevant, but the theory of putting the voltage regulation closer to the
Touch seems valid. I will experiment with a shorter cord and experiment
with Soundcheck's firmware mods.  Hopefully, getting the transformer
closer to other components will not cause an interference problem.  It
is too late for me to consider splitting off the voltage regulator part
of the circuit off from the initial power conditioning part of the
circuit.  I would need two circuit boards, two enclosures, and would
need to put about half of the components on each circuit board.

I built speakers earlier this year.  After the power supply is
complete, I am considering acquiring a DAC and building an amplifier.

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