
The power supply was plugged in and the Touch was on and playing music.
All voltages were taken with the Touch plugged in and streaming music.

I measured the power supply that came with the Touch when it was not
plugged in to the Touch.  In that case, the power supply voltage (for
the one that comes with the Touch) was jumping around.  Since there was
no load in this case, I don't think that I can conclude anything.  I
would have to splice in to my original power supply cable to learn
more.  My Fluke meter jumps around more when not measuring something as
compared to when it is measuring something.  For this reason, I never
commented on the stability of the stock power supply.

I confirmed that the voltage was more steady if the voltage regulator
is closer to the Touch, but it is still beyond me what a linear power
does to improve the sound of a signal that is being passed all
digitally.  I believe that it does.  Is it line noise? Is it a varying
voltage making the clock run at a different speed and increasing
jitter?  I don't know.  Sound loss in digital to digital transmission
does not make sense to me.  A digital to analog change is pretty easy
to comprehend.  Also, how steady voltage have to be in order to not
degrade sound?  By the end of testing my ears were fatigued, so I
couldn't properly judge the sounds.  I did not prove or disprove
anything in terms of audible sound quality improvements due to a
steadier voltage.  Also, I do not have an "audiophile" quality system
yet by my standards.  Each system will be different.

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