I did some testing today and did not come up with anything conclusive. 

As one would expect, shorter wires provided a more stable voltage.  I
measured a voltage fluctuation of about .3 mA as compared to the 5 mA
with the longer wires.  Every now and then, there was a greater voltage
fluctuation, possibly due to some process going on in the Touch, but in
general it was much more stable.  I did nothing more than to prove Ohms
Law: a fluctuating current across the lesser resistance of the shorter
wires caused a smaller voltage drop/fluctuation.

At times, I thought I could hear an improvement and other times I don't
think that I did.  After I wised up, the power supply was moved in front
of the speakers so that I could touch the shorter wires to the terminal
block holding the longer wires.  This made it so the wires were hooked
in parallel and the Touch did not have to reboot between changes.  A
remotely controlled relay used to connect the wires from my listening
chair could have proved more and been less fatiguing.  With each wire
change, the affects were not immediate, but MAYBE the sound improved
after a couple of seconds with the shorter wires.

I am undecided about the benefits, but I will shorten the DC power cord
and move on, since the theory of moving the voltage regulation closer to
the Touch still seems reasonable. The improvements to analog output
signals were not tested.

I also tried Soundcheck's firmware modification.  I am also undecided
there. It turns off functionality that I don't need, so there is
nothing to lose.

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