Touch and USB / SD Troubleshooting & best practices for best

USB or SD card devices

-       Check the formatting of the device, Touch supported formats:  FAT16,
FAT32, NTFS, ext2, ext3
-       Touch can only see/use a single partition, format as a single
partition, or use only the first partition for all relevant music files
-       Remove any included USB/SD device “utilities” as these can cause
-       Make sure there is at least 10% free space (20% even better)
-       Remove any non-music related files (videos, documents, programs,
pictures, data, etc…)
-       Or, if removing such files is not an option, place a . (dot) in front
of folders that are not music related (folders not containing music
files, album art, playlists).  A simple (dot) in front of a folder means
that TinySBS will ignore these and (hopefully) greatly speed up scan
-       Attach device directly to your computer and run basic maintenance
utilities (disk cleanup, error checking, defrag)
-       Storage unit must be writable (Touch’s server must install files and
be able to write to these files)
-       Quick Test:  Place a small, single folder of music on the device for
initial testing (why have it scanning for hours if it isn’t going to
complete the scan) 


-       Try an external USB power source,  HD power supply or a powered USB
hub.  (Touch may not have enough bus power to power the USB HD)
-       Try a different USB cable
-       HD Sleep mode can cause issues (may have to completely rescan HD every
time it “wakes”)
-       If you turn OFF Touch or HD, or unplug HD, Touch must completely
rescan the entire HD

Very useful tutorial & configuration ideas to get the most out of the
very limited Touch inbuilt server:

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