Updating the SBT appears to go on without knowing which LMS is running,
I think.
03/20 I Downloaded LogitechMediaServer-7.7.2-33893.exe and installed
On that very moment my SBT used FW 7.7.2-r9558.
The combination LMS 7.7.2-33893 with SBT 772-r9558 appeared to work on
03/20 and 03/21, also for web access via IE. Both screens in IE were
fully useable.
03/22 I started my laptop which runs LMS, then touched the SBT and got
an FW update immediately. After that update, I tried the web access for
the settings page (the one with all the tabs), all tabs were empty! I
saw this before.
I had to return to the LMS settings page to see the changes in the SBT.
I couldn't believe my eyes: again 772-r9558 (the same version I started
with on 03/20), so nothing really changed. But what was the SBT update
I got?
I think I'm getting nuts.
Can anybody tell me what's going on here?

I'm getting more and more confused.
To describe the actual situation correctly is really difficult.
Upcoming weekend I'll try to figure out what's happening over here.

Any help & tips are very, very welcome.
If I have to start all over again, I can live with it, but then
my key question is what should I do and in what order? HELP!

Rudolf NL


My system is Asus laptop with OEM Windows XP home running LMS.
My SBT uses FW 772-r9558 and LMS uses SW 7.7.2-33893 for now 3/21/12.
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