SBGK wrote: 
> think I have solved the stutter at track changes for 24/192 uncompressed
> flacs by changing the $outputThreshold setting from 20 to 100 eg
> # Threshold the output buffer for high sample-rate flac.
> if ( $track ) {
> if ( $track->samplerate() && $track->samplerate() >= 88200 ) {
> $outputThreshold = 20;
> }
> }
> Path: /usr/squeezecenter/Slim/Player/

Yep - I have a test version of jive_alsa which does something similar
(it is actually the place where the outputThreshold is used, so it can
be set to ignore the value sent from the server for high sample rates) 
Will publish soon for test [only held off as it has a few other
experiments in it]

Squeezeplay has 3 buffers of relevance:

Streambuf (3M bytes) -> (decoder) -> Outputbuf (10 seconds at 44.1) ->
(jive_alsa) -> alsa buffer

outputThreshold changes when jive_alsa starts to play a new track from
output buffer.  I have tested with the threshold at 1 second which is
the same as you are using.  It seems to work in these cases for 192k
playback.  Note that 192k is always going to be more susceptible to
other processes on Touch than lower rates as the 10s output buff is
sized for 44.1 and is only 2 and a bit seconds worth for 192k.  However
the rest of the squeezeplay application should not block for this long. 
Jive_alsa runs at real time priority and it is the frequency this runs
which is impacted by alsa buffer tuning.

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