As one who has actually done a clock upgrade I can say that it DOES
significantly improve the sound of the analog outs. By clock upgrade I
mean replacing the two audio crystals that generate clocks that are used
to derive the timing for the data going to the DAC chip and the S/PDIF
outs (coax and optical). These clocks have nothing to do with the
processor clock which is used for such things as ethernet and USB

The internal clocks are somewhere around 35-50 ps, the ones I replaced
them with were in the 5ps range. I have some new sub one ps clocks (NOT
cheap!) but I haven't gotten around to actually hooking those up yet. 

Whether this change is going to make a difference to an external S/PDIF
input DAC is very dependent on the DAC, and the cable used between them.
For some some it will make an improvement and for others it will not. (I
don't think it will make anything sound worse!) S/PDIF connections are
affected by so many different things that even for DACs that are
sensitive to whats going on with the inputs it's essentially impossible
to figure out in advance which one will make a difference in a
particular setup.

It should have NO difference to a USB DAC (of any flavor) since these
clocks have nothing to do with with the timing on the USB bus. 

I don't know of ANYBODY that has tried tweaking the clocks that DO
affect the timing on the USB bus. Getting USB DACs to work reliably with
the Touch is such a recent occurrence that USB tweaking is very much in
it's infancy.

I am going to disagree with many around here who think that all USB
async DACs are completely immune to anything happening on the computer
as long as the data gets transfered correctly. I have tried several and
this does not seem to be the case. The async USB method gives the
POTENTIAL for high immunity from what's happening in the computer, but
it turns out the details of the implementation still make a BIG
difference. There are very few manufacturers that are spending the
effort to really get it right.

So is a clock upgrade a "necessity"? Certainly not. Will it improve
things? For the analog outs, yes, for a S/PDIF DAC, maybe, for a USB DAC
no. If you have a DAC for which an external reclocker makes a
difference, will uprgading the clocks in the Touch do the same thing for
less? Maybe. As mentioned before there is far more to a S/PDIF interface
than just the jitter of the source, an external reclocker may be
affecting one of those other aspects. For example the impedance of the
output is just as important as the jitter of the signal, the official
spec says outputs and inputs should be 75 ohms, but in reality the
impedance of outputs, inputs and cables varies all over the place from
25 ohms to 120 or so. What matters is that they match as closely as
possible. So if your DAC has an input of 90 ohms, it doesn't matter if
the source has precisely 75 ohms, you will get better results if the
source is closer to 90. I have actually seen a case where a reclocker
sounded better, even though the jitter on the output was worse than on
the input, BUT the output impedance more closely matched that of the
input on the DAC.  

John S.

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