Hazim wrote: 
> Thanks garym for your reply, I really appreciate your assistance and
> explanation.
> However, I am still not clear as to why we need the tiny server (or any
> server whatsoever) to just simply play the music from a USB drive? I
> mean, there are tons of media players around, to which you can just plug
> in your HDD via USB - and they are immediately ready to play anything
> from the attached HDD - be it music, movies, photos, etc.
> I want to have an independent music player, completely away from TV,
> away from home network and PC, away from the internet - a music only
> device, a high-end audio music source. Touch does give me exactly that -
> I eliminated ALL its functions and apps except pure music play, and it
> DOES play music ridiculously well - producing better sound than majority
> of expensive CD transports. Actually, since I bought Touch, I never ever
> again played a single CD from my Theta Digital CD transport! I now only
> use a Theta DAC, which I feed from Touch's coax out. Then DAC feeds an
> amplifier (47 Lab Gaincard) which feeds the loudspeakers (Essence, and
> since recently, I am experimenting with KEF). 
> So, what I mean to say here is that Touch actually is a fantastic small
> device. The rest of my equipment is probably 30 times the price of
> Touch, but its actual value in terms of audio quality matches the price
> of the rest of the chain. Furthermore, it is the most practical music
> source device ever produced - all my music in one small place available
> at the touch of a finger, instead of having a "cubic meter" of CDs
> occupying my living space, collecting dust and demanding me to rise up
> each time I wanna play something different. 
> So, my question is - why can't I also just shut off that boring server
> function, then navigate my folder system - and just play my music?
> Technically, it MUST be possible with some simple software tweak,
> because that is the way most of media players work - using just the
> folder system of the attached HDD. This would definitely further release
> Touch's CPU, and leave it more energy to do what we all need it to do -
> properly turn those music files into a digital signal. I have always
> thought of this idea, but my experience with shutting off unnecessary
> functions, and the what I described in my previous post - all indicate
> that releasing the burden from Touch's CPU is one way to further improve
> the sound. Could it be possible? What does everyone think about it?
> Is there any other thread discussing this issue (I could not find one,
> so maybe I could start it...) Thank you all for the opinions and
> advice...
> Hazim

I recall someone (maybe Erland or Triode) writing a script/code to do
exactly what you want the Touch to do, however, ATM I can't supply a
link to it.
I don't think it survives a firmware update though.

Hopefully someone will be along who can steer you to the correct thread.

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