Mnyb wrote: 
> udhcp is most likely the DHCP client I specified my conection as static
> so I did not use that , I post my file later

Here's my existing file:

auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

iface eth0 inet dhcp
script /etc/network/udhcpc_action

mapping wlan0
script /etc/network/if_mapping

iface SpeedTouch567D9A inet dhcp
        script /etc/network/udhcpc_action
iface Connectify-me inet dhcp
        script /etc/network/udhcpc_action
auto wlan0=FTE-FEA2
iface FTE-FEA2 inet dhcp
        script /etc/network/udhcpc_action

So what should I add to get a static address on FTE-FEA2 router?

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