Ok If a crude sketch of something that could work re static IP (note
that you must set the DHCP pool in the router to not use these addresses

  auto lo
  iface lo inet loopback
  mapping wlan0
        script /etc/network/if_mapping
  auto wlan0=FTE-FEA2
  iface FTE-FEA2 inet static
        address 192.168.x.y
        network 192.168.x.0
        broadcast 192.168.x.255
        gateway 192.168.x.1
        dns z.z.z.z
        up echo 'nameserver z.z.z.z' > /etc/resolv.conf

Replace x.y.z with what you see fit "gateway" is your routers ip here is
your hint to the value of x it usually 1 or 0 in a home network .

Have a peak inside /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf here is the WPA passkeys

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