Stratmangler wrote: 
> It appears that the OP is simply having a snipe at Logitech, which is
> something they've done on the wrong forum.
> Sadly some folk have difficulty dealing with sophisticated devices.
> The Sonos is something that requires less understanding to operate, so
> I'm sure the OP has found something that is simple enough for him to
> operate, whilst still giving the impression of being technologically
> savvy.
> Bye bye :p

I'll take your points in order.

I'm not having a snipe at Logitech - when the Touch worked it was great.
What I came home from work and wanted to listen to something to
something from my collection and I turned it on, it was great. What
wasn't great was the (sadly frequent) times when I had to spend 20-30
minutes fannying* about with the software to get it working. What wasn't
great was on my wife's days off her calling me at work to say she
couldn't get internet radio working. 

Sophisticated devices - in my experience, the more sophisticated a
device, the easier/better the user experience. I have had a couple of
decades working in manufacturing, some of it in hi-tech. Make it work,
make it work well, then make it cheap! Slim Devices, and then Logitech
had barely got beyond the first stage.

There is a quote on one of the Sonos forums (fora?!) that states
something along the lines of "music does not exist to test your hifi"  

I do not need to have devices around the house to make me appear
"technologically savvy". I've got beyond that. I want thing to, just,
work. Is that too much to ask.

When I have people round for dinner, and they suggest something that is
available on Spotify, it would be quite nice to be able to play the
tracks of their choice without any bother. Sonos lets me do this. I do
not need to try and impress upon them my "technology savvy" chops by
having to dick about with the bloody Squeezebox Touch every third track
'cos it's dropped the connection. If that's being "technology savvy",
then leave me out, I'd rather be a card-carrying member of the real
world music loving community that just WANTS STUFF TO WORK. First time,
every time.

As you may have gathered, I at first found your post amusing, then,
after the benefit of a few beers, quite insulting.

I'm glad to be moving away from a community that, on the basis of your
post, seems to promote complexity over simplicity, makes a virtue of
things being "difficult", and mocks well thought out solutions to

* If you're from the USA, then "fanny" has a different meaning to us in
the UK. To us in the UK, a "fanny", is a, well, how do I say it? It's a
lady's front bottom. If you've never seen one, ask a grown up.

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