I purchased the DAC from Gary Dews at Border Patrol, but I believe he
does not sell them on a regular basis. He has told me that I need to
download drivers on to my computer for it to be able to play the DAC -
he referred me to the Schiit website for drivers that will work. 

I am wondering whether this has to be done on the computer that has the
Squeezebox server on it before the Touch can properly operate the DAC.
Or whether the downloading of drivers only has to do in the circumstance
where I am connecting the DAC directly to one of the USB ports on the
computer (as opposed to connecting the DAC directly to the Touch).

Further, I am not computer savvy - I do not know what LMS is for

As I said before I am determined to get this DAC to work with the SBT if
at all possible.



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