Speed: As specified in the article http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/javascript-trap.html you can specify the license of a script with one comment. One comment. I don't see how this one comment would impact rendering speed, especially if you send it gzipped. Now, I'm not sure if LibreJS will account for that, but Stallman's article offers it.

Copycats: Plenty of sites make have freed their source code. Where are all the Reddit and Slashdot clones you seem to think exist? For that matter, where are the ones that matter? It is trivial to copy a site that exists, even if the backend is proprietary. There's plenty of StackOverflow clones but most of them look like dreck IMHO. You won't get ahead by just imitating someone else.

If you honestly think any source code you write is valuable enough that every visitor who happens upon it wants to "steal" it, more power to you.

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