With your Google Chrome reference, the only real difference from the BSD licensed Chromium version is that it includes MP4 and MP3 codecs, proprietary Flash and PDF plugins, Google branding, and user tracking.

Functionality wise, the same version of Chromium works the same as Chrome. There used to be a PPA that had the latest Chromium and the Ubuntu repos used to be up to date, but they are horribly outdated now. Thankfully there are PPAs like https://launchpad.net/~cmiller/+archive/chromium-browser-stable-daily that match the Chrome version.

As for the death of StatusNet and the new Pump.io, I guess Evan doesn't care if the code gets forked. He hopes that the project becomes so big that people would rather contribute code back to the main persmissively licensed project (like nginx) instead of forking and maintaining that.

Speaking of nginx, I love that web server and even though there may be proprietary versions out there by Nginx, Inc or someone else, the main software is still awesome. Rockin that 2-Clause BSD license.

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