"As many of you have read, KVM Remote Control is a new feature in vPro that allows a technician to remotely support platforms by gaining access to the keyboard, video and mouse of the target PC. This is a similar capability exiting in many IT products today, the difference is KVM operates no matter the state of your system. I.e. the OS can be completely dead and a technician can use vPro to remote in, diagnose and fix issues."

The computer is not a computer anymore, it is something running above the "true" system in control.

"The benefits of KVM are clear,"

I want to cut off the hands of this intel engineer just for typing that. He give an air of superiority, knowing better than us little pesants.

" however many fear what happens if the remote capability gets into the wrong hands. Clearly the main concern is if an attacker could remotely hack a vPro system, then eavesdrop on everything typed, viewed, etc."

The wrong hands like the good-people, law enforcement, people that don't want men marrying little girls. Intel would say those are always the RIGHT hands, so will have access.

The intel engineers think we are stupid and will accept their claims that this backdoor they have added to the lowest levels it "secure". It's as secure as a cellphone: not secure against the fucking government and their police apparatus that keeps us from everything naturally good or enjoyable.

FUCK them. I hope they are killed. It would be better to live in the dirt with a little girl than in the techno-police state without. I hope their civilization is destroyed some how. They ban everything good and control us.

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