In all probability, that Intel engineer is superior to you in his field, just as you are probably superior to him in your field. Could you design or even build a central processing unit? Do you know anything of the intricate and microscopic machinery put into it? And in fact the benefits of this technology are clear; a technician can fix issues with a computer remotely, without having to come over.

I believe I should mention a fundamental principle of law here. In free countries, anyone has the right to live there. However, as a condition of living there, you must abide by their rules. It is just as if you were a guest in my home, when I would expect you to follow the rules of my house.

If you do not wish to abide by the country's laws, you do not have to live there. You may find a new country with whose laws you agree and settle there. If none of the 196 available options suits you, you should buy a boat, give up your citizenship, and live at sea in international waters, where I suppose you would not be in any country's jurisdiction.

The vast majority of rules are there to keep you and others safe, and not to ban everything good (note: that is a highly subjective term) — an example you keep bringing up is young marriage. I do not view this as a "natural pleasure" of life. To me it seems like viewing young girls as disposable toys for your lusts rather than the wonderful, innocent young people that they are. Now, if you actually genuinely loved a young girl, I would not object to that — after all, the spouses of the world's longest marriage were 12 and 14 when they married. But is that really the case? Are you really prepared to love this girl with self-sacrifice, to deny yourself in favour of her, to stand by her through good and bad for the rest of your lives? If not, then that is pedophilia, considered wrong in most countries.

I advise you to cease making threats of death and mutilation if you do not wish to be banned from these forums. You have already been reported as a spammer for your aggressive and inflammatory posts.

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