"My feeling is that I deserve control over the programs I run, whether on my computer or not."

You aren't running them if they aren't on the computer you are using. If you give someone a request or submit data, you are still not running a program on their computer.

"You are right that it is the case that many websites try to run code (beside html...and you can see that source, if you consider it code)."

That contradicts what you said in another post. Are you changing your view points for the sake of argument?

"I try not to use run any of the so called "web 2.0" shit."

Then you shouldn't be on this website. If you don't want to run web 2.0 then you idealy wouldn't be contributing to the internet at all.

"No java, I mostly disable all javascript, cookies, flash. You're right though, I cannot control 100%."

And you shouldn't be able to.

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