The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org
Lester Levenson ,Buddha and Jesus have the answers! when you complete
everything you get rid of everytihng ,you start to heal, heal the bigger
part of you that are the other uman  persons (until you stay in this
universe and in your phyisical body). It's something related to LOVE but i
can't explain what e why ,I only feel it's so.

2010/1/17 jag <jago...@tiscali.it>

> *************
> The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org
> ************
> hi people,
> doing Trom I arrived to a question. When you know you are in a 100%
> no game condition,while being in a human body?
> And what to do then?
> I found some answers.
> First I realized that I have to study , to put new knowledge in order
> to create new pathways with the neurons in the brain.
> Two russian scientist  ( Poponin and Gariyev),had discovered that the
> DNA can cause the disposition of the fotons .
> And others have discovered that our thoughts with an emotion attached
> can change the DNA.
> Quantum phisycs is a great source of informations.
> When with Trom you get rid of a compulsive game condition you get a
> lots of benefits in your daily voluntary games.
> But when you stop a voluntary game you are left in a no-game
> condition.But while occupying a body , something you have to do
> with it. Why not starting to create a new neurons pathway in order to
> create news games never seen before on this planet ?
> I.E. reversing aging , or doing some nice tricks like levitation
> disappearing. Dennis teached us to create , in order to not get into
> a trap.
> The only game to play to trap somebody is to convince him that he
> cannot create !
> So convincing the other of our postulate is the essence of the win-
> lose game. And entrappers on this planet know this very well.
> Trom is very powerful in handling these conflict of postulates.
> Thanks again Dennis !
> So far in my research I have came to this conclusion :
> our believe system we were forced to have , or we choose to have , or
> we were taught is the one that creates the reality we experience.
> Our believe system is made of ideas or thoughts or postulates with an
> emotion attached, all stored in our DNA.
> And this true becase I experienced it in a small way.
> There has a period in doing Trom , when I experienced a somatic go
> away , but doing Trom I have been able to know the postulates
> attached to it ,
> and the decision taken about life.
> I also noticed a change in the way I was as a personality. Some
> attitudes just vanished. I had a way to walk , and I got aware that i
> changed the way I was used to walk.
> I also noticed a change in human relations with other people, in
> better of course.
> I think we have to put new attitudes in the ones we get rid of, new
> postulates in place of  the ones we put in the dustbin.
> So my interest in quantum phisyc.
> Life has four basic abilities 1) it can bring things into existence -
> 2) it can bring things out of existence - 3) it can know - 4) it can
> not know.
> Quantum phisyc had discovered that the small particles inside the
> atom are just energy.
> So life in what could consist of ?
> This is the idea , that the smallest part of life is a tiny particle
> of consciousness and energy.The consciusness receives our thoughts
> and uses its energy
> to realize what the thoughts contains.
> On the internet i have found some source of information about.i.e
> Revolutioniz , the Law of actraction,the teachings of Ramtha ,
> knowledgisme.
> I think that is the next step.
> To become very skilled in dealing and managing the enrgy of life in
> this universe to create daily miracles.
> You are welcomed to put your experiences , and thoughts about.
> thank you very much,
> good tromming,
> alex.
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