Michael D: Just a comment  -  It is interesting to note that the apostle Paul said in I Timothy 1 that the law was not made for a righteous man but for the ungodly and sinnere etc. He said this in reference to people wanting to apply the law, but not doing it 'lawfully'. In other words, trying to impose the requirements of the law on those who are called to walk in the Spirit, and who are declared righteous in Christ. Galatians 4 said that the law was a schoolmaster to bring us to Christ, but now we are no longer under that schoolmaster because we have faith. In CH. 3, he chided them for being bewitched to think that they must now return to the law to be justified, thereby frustrating the grace of God. He summed it up by saying: if righteousness comes by the law, then Christ died in vain.


This might shock but I don't follow any (nada) of the Old Testament Laws today.  Only 9 of he 10 commandments are repeated in the New Testament.  Therefore I do NOT follow the Sabbath commandment.  THE CHURCH WORSHIPPED ON SUNDAY AFTER THE RESURRECTION.  I follow only New Testament laws.  THE RESURRECTION IS THE DIVIDING LINE.  The reason...the book of Galatians.
I don't think you answered my questions.  Or if you did I don't see any connection to my question about practicing OT laws and the scripture you gave. 

Now I could be wrong, but I see you going back to the Old Testament for salvation.  Galatians condemns this.  Please don't take this as a personal attack. 

Should we be practicing these laws today?

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