-----Original Message-----

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:TruthTalk- Not spiritualize AWAY, no.  The law is like a schoolmaster to teach us right

from wrong.  However, the law works with the will, and man will find that

his will is not enough to bring him into complete obedience.  Read Romans 7,

and this describes the man who lives by the law.  His will cannot overpower

his flesh.Exactly. Jesus set us free from the power of sin; if we have faith in Him and receive His Spirit we have the power to resist sin. My own fleshly will is as powerful as a wet noodle.


The law will forever be in force because the law is for the lawless.

However, those in Christ become motivated by love.  When love is shed abroad

in your heart, you will not steal from your neighbor, you will not commit

adultery, you will not murder, you will honor your mother and father, and

you will love God with all your heart, soul, and mind. Exactly. This does NOT prevent us from desiring to obey His commandments, as He has clearly indicated He wishes us to do. In doing the above we ARE obeying His commandments.


If you saw Sabbath the way you saw Passover,

it would be exactly the same thing to you.  Instead, in your heart, in your

spirit, you do not see how the kingdom of God is sabbath.  Right; I don’t see it. I am not sure if you think because we now live in His kingdom, thru faith in Christ, that we no longer need to rest on the 7th day. Why not? Where did God say, “Okay, nevermind about that; you can stop now”?  We DO rest from thinking our works alone can save us; we rest in His sacrifice. Maybe you can elaborate.


There is another side to this that I hope to get to, and that is that I

believe that man's physical body needs sabbath, just as he needs sleep every

night.  Yes, which is one reason I believe the Lord wants us to still obey this commandment. A good sign that He has not called us to ignore this commandment.


Nevertheless, I'm not sure how well we can consider this thought

unless we first agree that Torah observance is not necessary in order to be

justified before God.  I am using BLUE ink to let you know I have said this until I am blue in the face: I do not believe I am justified through anything other than the Blood of Christ, and that is NOT why I observe the Sabbath.


At the same time, we should not think that Torah

observance is a sin.  Exactly;


We don't seem to have that balance in understanding

among us. That’s the understatement of the day!


Perhaps it would be good if we could discuss the difference between “Justification” and “Sanctification”?




Peace be with you.

David Miller.


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