Glenn, I think you are missing the point about Marlin. He just turns the other cheek by not responding to insults and condemnation. Izzy


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, November 26, 2002 10:59 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Message-bearers


Marlin, you are fallen from grace.  Gal. 5:4.  Not only that but you can't respond directly to comments on TT.  You just revert to the same old time worn old talk.  Marlin, you are fallen from grace.  Gal. 5:4. 

Dear David,

The fourth commandment is not only about resting the seventh day.  It is
about working the six days and about keeping holy time on the seventh.  It
is a sequence that God created prior to Moses.  Seven is a special number to
God that is repeated in other areas of His marvelous plan.  It is about
remembering that holy time.

This cannot be done by spiritualizing away the Sabbath by spreading it into
the six days God intended us to use for all our own works.  This does not
allow for holy time with the Lord.

The meaning of the word "end" in that passage was already addressed in
another post.

Our sacrificial Lamb, Jesus, is still necessary today.  His sacrifice was
not cancelled.


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