Marlin wrote:
> God knows, men have always despised
> his Sabbaths, including the land Sabbaths.
> This is why Israel was sent into captivity.

Not always.  There have been many to honor the Sabbath.  The idea of
honoring the Sabbath was a very big deal to those in Moses' time, and also
to the Pharisees and scribes during Jesus' time on earth.  I would suspect
that people under Moses honored and respected the Sabbath day more than you
do, perhaps?  :-)

Marlin wrote:
> Now, let's subtract the commandments Jesus listed
> to the specific man in question:
> -    6. Thou shalt do no murder,
> -    7. Thou shalt not commit adultery,
> -    8. Thou shalt not steal,
> -    9. Thou shalt not bear false witness,
> -    5. Honour thy father and [thy] mother:
> -    Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
> The last statement looks like a summary of
> number two of the BIG TWO commandments.
> And the summary looks a lot like #10, "You shall
> not covet," because if one loves his neighbor, he
> will not covet that which belongs to his neighbor,
> nor will he break 6, 7, 8, 9, nor 5. So lets say:
> -    10. You shall not covet; or the second of the
> BIG 2 is required.

I'm not following you here.  The law of Moses had 613 commandments, not 10.
This last commandment that Jesus mentioned in Matthew 19:17 ff. was found in
the Hebrew Scriptures in Leviticus 19:18.  Yes, Leviticus 19:18 is the
second greatest commandment, according to the teachings of Jesus.  I believe
that it was the commandment that this greedy man had the most trouble with,
and it was what Jesus was bringing to light by telling him to sell all and
give to the poor.

Marlin wrote:
> Okay.  Now we may be "free" and not under
> "bondage" and should break commandments
> 1, 2, 3, and 4. ... We may now conclude that
> these remaining commandments are supposed
> to be broken by those who follow Christ,
> "Christians."  And this is exactly what I see
> "Christians" doing.

Woe, now, hold on there.  I don't follow your line of thinking at all.  Why
would you think that Jesus not mentioning certain commandments would mean
that we can break them?  Jesus was just listing some commandments to clarify
what commandments he was talking about.  The reason I pointed out which ones
he mentioned was because you kept quoting Mat. 19:17 as if it was mentioning
the seventh day Sabbath specifically, and you were talking about
commandments that predated Moses.  Mat. 19:17 was talking about commandments
given by Moses, and I was just trying to point that out.  The fact that
Jesus got specific there, mentioning specific commandments, makes it clear
that he was talking about the commandments of Moses, which you say are
commandments that we do not have to obey as Gentile believers.  Therefore,
Mat. 19:17 does not appear to be appropriate to what you were trying to say
with it.  Maybe I'm missing something.  Perhaps you can clarify this.

Marlin wrote:
> Jesus had to show them who was Lord
> of the Sabbath, demonstrating what liberty
> the Sabbath represents.
> LUKE 6:5     And he said unto them, {That
> the Son of man is Lord also of the sabbath.}
> Today, men want to be gods and say "every
> day is the Sabbath," or "Sunday is the Sabbath."

What Jesus taught was that MAN is Lord of the Sabbath.  Jesus referred to
himself as the Son of MAN, therefore, Lord of the Sabbath because he was

"And he said unto them, The sabbath was made for man, and not man for the
sabbath: Therefore the Son of man is Lord also of the sabbath."  (Mark

The sabbath was made for man; therefore, man is Lord of the sabbath rather
than the sabbath being Lord of man.

Marlin wrote:
> Do you now conclude that the four commandments
> that Jesus chose not to mention to the specific man
> in question are therefore null and void?

Of course not.  My point was that you were using the verse to talk about
alledged commandments that predated Moses, yet the subject of Jesus was
obviously commandments of Moses.  Don't you see my point?  Moses also gave
commandments concerning the Sabbath.

By the way, can you give me a reference for a commandment concerning Sabbath
keeping prior to Moses?  I'm not talking about examples of Sabbath
OBSERVANCE but rather examples of Sabbath COMMANDMENTS.

Marlin wrote:
> Oh, by the way, my friend, as you see prophetic events
> unfold, remember what our spiritual Joshua said:
> MAT 24:20   {But pray ye that your flight be not in the
> winter, neither on the sabbath day:}

Which raises another question I have about your practice of Sabbath
observance.  Do you have travel limitations concerning the Sabbath like
Orthodox Jews?  For example, do you limit travel to under a mile?  Do you
limit travel to walking only, no automobiles, no pushing buttons on
elevators, etc.?  What exactly are YOUR travel limitations on the Sabbath?
I'm very curious, and it will help me see how that might correspond with
this verse that you quote.

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida  USA

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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