Marlin Halverson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Now, let me ask you if you are open to me showing you that the seventh day
> Sabbath commandment was also a shadow. Are you willing to consider
> Scripture and arguments to consider this? My position is that the seventh
> day Sabbath was a shadow. Your position is that it was not a shadow.
> Correct?
> David Miller

As a shadow, God's presence is in it, a holy day, set aside for
fellowshipping with Him. It is a shadow of God's coming dwelling with men
in His millennial reign, as well as His dwelling with us in Spirit now. But
we must also work the six days, so the same fellowship is not possible on
the days He has not sanctified as holy.

Are you willing to consider that the Sabbath is the seventh day?
Are you willing to consider that the fourth commandment is about working the
six days that precede it?

Trying to say it is "every day" is an idea of men, invented because they
refuse God's clear commandment and want to meet on the venerable day of Sun


Michael D:  It is important to understand that In the new covenant there is no Sabbath day. There is a sabbath, but not a Sabbath day. So, sabbath day is not every day of the week as you are questioning, nor is it Saturday or any other day.

It is a relationship of rest in Jesus by faith. We cease from our own works for righteousness, and become children of God by faith in Jesus, appropriating His work for us on the cross. I realize that this concept has been very difficult for you to grasp, but it is the Word of the new covenant.

Again, Paul says that whatever the law says, it says to those who are under the law... Rom 3...

Marlin, do you consider yourself to be under the law?


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