From: "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Judy wrote:
Look at how some of these ppl act in the name of Christ, shooting
doctors, bombing Abortion Clinics, climbing flag poles, and they say God
told them to do it?  I ask you to show me one place, just one in the book
of Acts and all of the Epistles where any valid ministry acted like this.

David: I do not support shooting abortionists or bombing abortion
clinics. Nevertheless, the attitude of standing up to those who revel in
sin is illustrated well by David when he stood up to Goliath.  

Judy: I don't know that Goliath was revelling in sin per se. He
represented the army of the Philistines who were coming against Israel in
battle - also it wasn't David who had the sword it was Goliath.  Saul
(who represents the ministry of flesh) wanted to equip David with his
armor which included a sword.  But David told him it didn't fit and he
went out there by faith trusting God.

David: The difference in the New Covenant is that we understand our
warfare is spiritual and not carnal.  Therefore, our sword is wielding
the Word of God rather than a physical sword. 

Judy: Yes our weapons (sword) are not carnal and neither are our enemies
(flesh and blood).  Jesus said (speaking of the spiritually blind) to let
them alone.  I was thinking about this dichotomy this morning and was
wondering where this street preaching began. I know Jesus taught in the
streets but people always came to him and followed after him. Paul spoke
in Athens outdoors but he usually went to synagogues or taught in
someone's house. I can't see where bursting into a huge sinners gathering
is even scriptural.  Billy Graham Meetings are effective evangelism
because he sets them up and pays the bills - so that the people (who come
willingly) are able to sit in peace and hear what he presents.  Just
something to ponder.

BTW I want to warn everyone to stay away from the "goofy Phil" (or
whatever his name is) website (the one TPW recommended). I should have
known better but was tired after having the little human dynamo here all
day and I confess to you that I went there out of curiosity and was
immediately sorry.  I have repented before the Lord, it is garbage and
totally vile.  Put together by someone with a reprobate mind.  Nothing a
misguided Christian does warrants anything like that. Terry I may be
seeing things a little more your way as of last night. I would not take
time to try and talk to this fellow about anything holy but ATST believe
it would be wrong to put every single homosexual into this category
because some (deep down) want to be different but don't know how and
believe there is no hope. Whereas we know the answer.

Anyway - Good morning folk, and may His grace shine on you today,

In His love,
"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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