On Thu, 20 Nov 2003 21:35:29 -0800 Dave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


On Thu, 20 Nov 2003 18:24:43 -0500 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> From: "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>..there is behavior that condemns us. 
What is it?
DAVEH:  Probably that which you oft times exhibit on TT, g.....    <VBG>
i guess i'm documenting too much violent Mormon history:), e.g., about the premier Mormon historian, thrown out of BYU for confirming unsavory facets of Mormon fact, maintaining his stash of prized original Mormon documents privately outside of SLC/LDS control; e.g., about JS/BY & Melissa Lott from Mormon records

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