Dave Miller: The Pagan Wolf is drawing you into his circle. This is the standard tactic of the enemy. He first gets you to side with him against those who proclaim Christ on the streets. He causes you to believe that public preaching is for the most part a flesh ministry. He causes you to believe that he is a victim of circumstance, that he was born into a pagan family, so that is what he is. You think that if only he saw the peace and love in Christ he would come over, but the truth is that his sin is what separates him from God. The church is not some club that everyone is invited to join. The church is made up of holy ones, and only those who are willing to lose their lives are able to join. Most people won't make the cut, and Pagan Wolf is one of them, UNLESS, he repudiates his sinful and occult practices and repents of his sin. He can't do that until he first acknowledges them to be evil. Right now, he sees his vile ways as good.

TPW: Dave, again you give me way too much credit. I already told you that such remarks towards my person were unbecoming of you and I will say it again. Unless you come to truly know my heart, then do yourself a favor and keep your own counsel on what I am and not capable of.

Before you declare me the Lucifer's own, look at yourself and ask if you are any better with putting me on a pedestal of onyx, and declaring anyone who remotely agrees with me my bondsman. You really need to look within and see your own ego at work, or as some of you call it "The old man, the flesh". I don't need to be "your enemy". You are your own worse enemy.

And furthermore, Judy is an adult, not a child. She is a devoted Christian and a strong one. I seriously doubt she accepts my Pagan ways nor I ask her to accept them. I merely asked something from her and she gave it in spades. She respected me as a Human being. Shame you couldn't see it that way. But then from what I saw written by you so far, you need to be reminded of this...
Proverbs 26:26 Whose hatred is covered by deceit, his wickedness shall be shewed before the whole congregation

I warn you Dave, I don't you by my standard. I am seeing however you have problems with your own.

Judy wrote: Hey there is no future tense about it. By his own testimony TPW is already there and his evaluation isn't far off.

Dave Miller: Is this true, Pagan Wolf? Are you convinced that you stand lost and condemned before God Almighty? Do you desire Jesus Christ to save you from your sins?

TPW: No David I do not. For you see if that were to occur, The fruit I would become would be a rotten one. Under your rule, I couldn't be nothing more than that. As for feeling lost. I don't think I could ever feel lost. The thing is I have been blessed with a strong sense of self-identity. I know who stares back at me when I see my own reflection.

More importantly, I focus on my own strenghts alot. So technically no matter where I am, I know I can call upon my own ressources. Can you say the same? Are you confidant enough to say, "no matter how much the world throws at me, I will make the most of what I find".

We were all born with a handfull of cards, so few actually bother to take the time to see what we were dealt and learn to play with them...


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