-----Original Message-----

I understand that preaching to a group is different than witnessing one on one, if that was your question.  It would be refreshing to see someone preach with a beer in his hand.  Our Savior taught on at least one occasion while drinking wine, so a beer would be quite in place as long as the one preaching was sober.  How this compares to underwear is what puzzles me.

Patiently waiting, but it is my bedtime.





Let’s just make it absolutely clear; is everyone reading this post right now actually WEARING underwear????  (g excepted.)  If not, PLEASE do NOT start waving it in the air at the nearest mormon!!! My guess is, neither that, nor practically anything else, can get a mormon to wish to be saved.  If any mormons have, indeed, actually been saved by the waving of underwear (yours OR theirs)—please let us know.  Izzy


PS Terry, you must try staying up a bit later—it’s Saturday night!



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