I understand that preaching to a group is different than witnessing one on one, if that was your question.  It would be refreshing to see someone preach with a beer in his hand.  Our Savior taught on at least one occasion while drinking wine, so a beer would be quite in place as long as the one preaching was sober.  How this compares to underwear is what puzzles me.



When you witness to someone holding a can of beer is a bit different than preaching in New Orleans during Mardi Gras.  Witnessing to a Mormon at work or on your front door is much different than preaching to them at their convention, in their city, with their police department standing around.  Mormons when in a group are the most arrogant people one can witness/preach to…unless you can snap them from that glazed look, that half phony smile and talk with that ever so soft caring voice...AND GOD ALLOWS US TO SHOCK THEM OUT OF THEIR HYPNOTIZED STATE OF MIND BY YELLING AND SWINGING THEIR UNDERGARMENTS IN FRONT OF THEM...AND THAT WORKS EVERY TIME.  They snap out of that cult stupor by waving those undergarments like a checked flag, where they gather around and hear a message, then break down into smaller groups to debate Bible and Book of Mormon.  But unless you have preached a message where thousands of Mormons are around you…you will never understand.  This act has caused Mormons to question their Church that no one in the New Testament wore these garments.   But first we must (ZAP) get (JOLT) their (SHOCK) attention (SNAP THEM OUT) first. Then we can have dialogue with hundreds of great conversations, some that last for over an hour or follow up the next day.


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